Monday, July 14, 2008

Grow, Garden, Grow!

So I thought today I would post some pictures of the gardening class. The wood cost about $75 US dollars and the labor of putting the frames for the plots together was free - a labor of love:-) The children

together carried the frames to the designated area and then cleared the leaves, weeds and rocks. Then they got water from the well and poured it on the dirt to soften the soil. They enjoyed it very much. The teacher that is teaching the class is great with the kids - a natural. He knows about as much about gardening as I do (zilch) but he is very engaging with the village kids. There is a saying 'many hands make light work'. And so that is how it has been. They are still working the dirt and trying to get it ready to plant. Last week they planted corn seeds in a ziploc bag to jumpstart the sprout. This week they are transplanting the sprouts into soil pods and hopefully by the end of the week they will be able to transplant it into the garden plot. Thanks to a huge donation of seed packets from Green Thumb, we have enough to plant in the garden and enough to send one home with every child to sow at home.

Some other tidbits...
So the mosquitos are feasting on me. Everyday I have 2-3 more bites. I spray myself with OFF! but they don't stay off of me!

I have been trying to shed a few pounds but we were fed very well the first week here. This week the meals are definetely lighter. I even went for a short jog today!

Wakin has the habit of putting everything he finds into his mouth. I usually have to tell him it is not 'mange' (food). So today I brought out a science activity that involved water. I put the science matter into the water and told him he can't drink it. He asked me very concerned, "will I die if I drink it?" I told him I wasn't sure but I didn't want to find out either.

In the Haitian dance there is a move called 'Gai Pai'. The littlest kids are the cutest to watch. Wakin is especially cute as he has natural rhythm. The school children had a good laugh today as they tried to teach the 'white lady' to dance.


The Compian Family said...

I hope you are safe from Malaria!?!
Avon has the best bug repellant/sunscreen. Probably too late!?! Glad to hear/see you are enjoying your boys :-) Hugs...

Kristi said...

Wow!! Great post, great photos...I'm loving reading about your life right now!! If you happen to see Little Loudince running by would you mind giving him a hug from his mama? Or you could just blow him a kiss he's not one to slow down. :-) You're doing awesome!!! Keep enjoying your "summer job" :)

Jenn said...

Wow!!! What an adventure you are having. The ride into town in the back of the truck sounded crazy!! I've passed by Mario a few times and he looks like he's eating ;)

Tom Mag said...

I'm glad to hear the gardening went alright. Sounds like you are managing very well.