Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day one and two...

were great! Yesterday at the camp we organized the students into classes and introduced them to what each class would be about. Today they were able to do an activity in each class: a fruit loop necklace in cooking, a puppet in art, they planted corn seeds in garden and learned the story of creation in the VBS. They all seemed to enjoy the activities. It was fun to see Gualege at 'school' with me. He also enjoyed it.

The teacher training went very well! This week I am sharing different classroom management techniques. Although the style of teaching is very different in Haiti, all the teachers seem to be enjoying the training and appreciative of what is shared. An adoptive mom had teacher supply bags emblemed with the name of the school and filled with supplies. Mommy Duncan, the village matriarch was the first to receive one and was very appreciative as were the other teachers. I have enjoyed this teaching position very much and may pursue it more when I am back home.

I will be starting the adult bible study shortly. I hope that the adults I have met in these few days will feel comfortable enough with me to join me in my study. Please pray for this.
I will post pictures tomorrow, I promise!!!


The Compian Family said...

Blessings to you Faith troopers! Can't wait to see the photos. VBS sounds like great fun :-) God be with you all!

AprilC said...

Awesome Eliz!

Kristi said...

Sounds like everything is going very well! I love that you are posting and sharing with us from Haiti!